What are young people telling us about safety & respect?

Young People
Young People
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What does Feeling safe & free means to our young people?

Young people in our community are experts in their own lives, experiences and what 'feeling safe and free' means to them. These are some of the things they told us about what are important to them to feel safe and free:

  • Feeling respected and happy
  • Being able to express ideas, thoughts and feelings without fear
  • Feeling like they belong and protected
  • Having someone they can trust to talk to

What they want in relationships:

"Having the freedom to express myself, to be who I am."
  • Respect
  • Mutual agreement
  • Privacy & Boundaries
  • Loyalty
  • Physical and Emotional Intimacy

What can we do to support our young people?

Young people have been telling us that they want to be taken seriously, being listened to and most importantly, they want to feel safe and free in the world.

Some tips for parents, guardians & carers of young people

Respecting our young people's privacy is one of the most challenging things for parents and carers, but it is one of the most important things for them.
  • Respecting their private space (eg. bedroom)
  • Giving them space
  • Making time to talk and listen
  • Taking an interest in what's happening in their lives
  • Letting them know that it's okay to disagree
Dr Marilyn Metta
March 15, 2023

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